How do I know if I will have to pay alimony?

Under Michigan law, there is no formula for this, as there is for child support. Whether alimony is appropriate and, if so, how much and for how long is determined by a variety of factors in the case. Key among them are: (1) the past relations and conduct of the...

Shaken baby Syndrome

For years, in cases involving the death or serious injuries of small children, parents have lost their rights based on a hypothesis known as the Shaken Baby Syndrome. In detailing this hypothesis, so-called medical experts have successfully mesmerized judges and...

Are all parents entitled to parenting time?

Yes, almost all parents. The Michigan Child Custody Act provides that, “A child has a right to parenting time with a parent unless it is shown on the record by clear and convincing evidence that it would endanger the child’s physical, mental, or emotional...