by Chip Farrar | Oct 2, 2024 | Charles P. Farrar PLLC
If the other party earns more than you, it is quite possible that they will be ordered to pay at least some portion of your legal fees. The court rule on this point is MCR 3.206(D)(2)(a), which authorizes this, if you can show that you are “unable to bear the expense...
by Chip Farrar | Jul 18, 2024 | Charles P. Farrar PLLC
Absent unusual circumstances, yes. Michigan Law presumes that every child needs to have a strong relationship with both separated parents. So the court will effectively mandate some degree of parenting time, unless it determines on the record by clear and convincing...
by Chip Farrar | Jun 25, 2024 | Charles P. Farrar PLLC
It possibly could be counted as income. According to the 2021 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual, their income “may include the value of gifts or gratuities such as money, food, shelter, transportation, or other goods or services that a parent receives from...
by Chip Farrar | Jun 13, 2024 | Charles P. Farrar PLLC
Should a Child’s Preference be Taken into Account in Determining Custody Issues? According to the Michigan Child Custody Act, one of the “best interests” factors addressed in any custody determination is: “The reasonable preference of the child, if the court considers...
by Chip Farrar | May 29, 2024 | Charles P. Farrar PLLC
The term, “No-Fault” means that it doesn’t matter which spouse was responsible for the marriage breakdown. In order for a divorce to be granted, it simply needs to be stated that there was a breakdown. No reason need be given. But a spouse’s past conduct–or...